Where The Money Resides | Earning Additional Income At-Home

Bonjour mes amies! Let’s chat about one of the most essential components of Cappuccinos and Consignment, FINANCE.

If this is your first time reading my blog, merci beaucoup et bienvenue, take a gander at the many blog posts about money. A considerable amount of those posts pertain to saving and how to save when you think that you don’t earn enough to do so.

I often share how I saved money for my first home when I earned a little over $19,000 (and I was a single mother.)

Aujourd’hui, I want to discuss avenues that everyone (not just content creators) can use to earn additional income streams.

Without further adieu, let’s make beaucoup (well that maybe a bit extreme) but let’s make some money.

Monetize Your Opinionated Expertise

There are methods of monetizing that do not involve being on social media (although that can be a significant source of income.) If you are the go-to person in your circle for, let’s say, restaurants, consider making a comprehensive restaurant guide for family and friends, and do not be afraid to attach a fee.

If you are reading this, you have access to the internet, as with the majority of adults living in the US. With that, we all have Google at our fingertips. We can search for any and everything that we want, but there is a particular reason that people come to you for (insert your area of expertise.)

Share with your friends and loved ones that you are working on earning additional income for whatever it is that you are saving for (or not, never feel obligated to disclose what you are not comfortable with). By purchasing your restaurant guide for (insert your price), they’d be supporting you with reaching your goal. If you’re afraid to charge people you know because you are questioning your “worth,” read this post.

Once you’ve decided to create said list, post it to a website or create an account with a marketplace such as Etsy. Here are examples of guides I’ve created: How to Thrift Like a Pro Guide and Where to Consign and Thrift Guide.

Affiliate Links

Branching off of monetizing your talent, if you are the point of contact for finding limited edition shoes or discounted merchandise, establish an affiliate account and begin to earn a small commission off of your recommendations. The beauty of affiliate links is that no one pays anything additional. If your friend plans to purchase the $20.00 blender that that wanted your recommendation on, them using your link will not increase the cost, however, you will receive a percentage of the sale (typically less than eight-percent.) For an example of affiliate links, visit my Amazon storefront by clicking here.

A Closet Full of Money

Sell it! If you have items hanging in your closet that you have not worn in years, sell it. Apps such as eBay, and my personal point of sell, Poshmark. Set aside 45mins and take photos of everything that you’d like to sell. While binge watching my vlogs (shameless plug) upload the photos and add a quick description and post it for sale. Resell doesn’t stop at clothes. Look into selling books, old cells phones, tablets and other electronics that you’re no longer using.

You Are Smarter Than a 5th Grader

Consider tutoring online. With the influx of students still learning remotely and many families being reluctant to send their students to education centers, online tutoring is a much needed option. Look into joining an already-established tutoring platform or develop your own via personal connections and local networks.

Virtual Assistant

If time management is your forte, consider being a virtual assistant for, more than likely, someone else who works from home. Duties and hours are typically more flexible when you are assisting virtually. If this is an option that you are considering, I’d recommend helping someone who is in the field that you would like to enter. There’s always a possibility that your part-time could become your full-time.

Et voila mes amies voici are cinq sources of income that you can make from the comfort of your home. If you’re interested in discovering additional options, let me know in the comments below, and I will publish part deux.

Ciao for now 💋

10 thoughts on “Where The Money Resides | Earning Additional Income At-Home

  1. I definitely need additional streams of income! Thank you for this.

  2. My son “you’re watching the Paris lady again?” 🤣🤣 🥰

  3. Thank you for reminding me to think outside of the box.. By the way your Amazon link is not working. I would love to see your findings..

  4. I love the resale market, just have not dabbled in adding any items of mine own yet – on Posh. Perhaps, just in time for the holidays. xoxo for the inspiration and vote of confidence!

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