Je suis a YouTuber!

Bonjour mes amies!

I have been terrified to officially launch the Cappuccinos and Consignment YouTube channel.

If you’re a “mes amies” on Instagram, you will know that I post videos every day. But there’s something très, très different about posting on YouTube, a certain je ne sais quoi.

Determined to face my fears and move forward FABULOUSLY (merci beaucoup @ thecurvyshopisticate for that encouragement), I posted my first official Youtube video.

In this video, I discuss Purse Inserts/Organizers.

Are they worth it? Why should you use them? Why and where did I purchase mine.

I answer all of those questions in the video.

I do hope that you subscribe to my channel, but most of all, that you enjoy the video.

Ciao for now 💋

2 thoughts on “Je suis a YouTuber!

  1. I have definitely subscribed. I cant wait to see all the fabulousness you are going to bring to the Tube! Love it!

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